dimanche 9 janvier 2011

The Oversized Ego Theory


           How many time did you like someone  who didn't like you back? How many time did somebody you barely noticed, have a crush on you? I bet, you still don't know why it didn't work out... You wanna know why? 

           People usually think that to make somebody yours, you have to be romantic, toughtful, lying in wait for the least desire to fill... People are WRONG, that kind of behaviour leads directly to a failure. By acting like that you 'll always stay the good friend on which this guy will ever count when for example his new gf leaves him... Are you sure you wanna be that girl? I don't think so...

Well, I'm gonna give you my little secret away, which you can sum up in three words: 


           Every human being has inside of him a part of  self-esteem, all you have to do is to reach it. I mean, if you want a guy, don't show him, actually you have to act as if you don't care about him, as if he's not good enough to be with you. Cause, yes, young lady, to be with you should be an honor. 
           So then he's gonna be offended & puzzled by you, he will wonder why you're not under his spell yet, it's gonna drive him crazy. He's gonna take your behaviour like a challenge. 
           But don't make the big mistake, which is sadly often done : As soon as they get their prey, they suddenly let themselves go and turn into a big pityfull & contemptible romantic monster. DON'T!! Try to let it go, slowly, step by step. That doesn't mean you have to stay cold and aloof. 

           You see, seduction is like a coktail: You gotta make the perfect mix between kindness, warmth and gentlness & hotness, inaccessibility & apparent disinterest. Increase the first part step by step, always be unpredicable, that the secret of long and funny relationship.

Your turn now, and always keep that in mind: You're awesome!